Collect Reviews from for your Social Networks

Reviewshowcase pulls all the reviews posted by your Facebook Page follower. It will filter the reviews by star number and gives you the option to prioritize text reviews that will be shown on the top of the feed.

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How It Works Our Reviews Showcase

There are multiple layouts to fit your site and can customize the Reviewshowcase Widget to Fit Your Brand.

Strategy and Planning

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See how we combat fake reviews

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Ensure satisfaction and loyalty

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Stay updated
Keep up with Codiqa and get instant news once in a while. We promise, no spam or similar emails, just pure goodiness.

Display Reviews in

Review Showcase’s goal is to collect all user reviews, engage buyers, and as a result, it helps in increasing sales for your Online Store or Website

Review Showcase’s goal is to collect all user reviews, engage buyers, and as a result, it helps in increasing sales for your Online Store or Website

Customize and

Our intuitive team allows you to change your widget looks in just a few simple steps. Proceed and make it ideal for your website. You don’t require to add any changes to your website or software to use a review showcase. It easily integrates with your site. We are here to make you feel more comfortable.